The VALUE of Invitation 邀約的重要性
….the practice of invitation as it relates to participatory meetings,
longer term participatory strategic initiatives and even organizational design….
… 邀請,因為這攸關參與式的會議,長期的參與式策略,
Invitation is a VERB: If you are inviting people to a gathering using a single static email or a poster, you aren’t doing enough, in my experience. Invitation requires you to be active, in relation and dialogue. The interaction between inviter and invitee creates a connection and a commitment and kicks off the design. My friend Christie Diamond one time remarked “The conversation begins long before the meeting starts…” and that captures perfectly the idea of an active invitation.
邀請是一個動詞:如果用一封制式電子郵件或是一張海報,就想邀人來參與一個聚會,在我的經驗看來,是很不夠的。發出邀請的人必須積極、試著建立關係與對話,邀請者和受邀者之間的互動,創造出連結與承諾,繼而開啟接下來的旅程。我的朋友Christie Diamon的評論:「對話早在會議開始之前就已開始了...」,這個說法精準地說明了一個“有活力的邀約”的精髓。
Invitations are made from ATTRACTORS AND BOUNDARIES: It’s obvious that an invitation should have a purpose at its centre, but it should also include a statement of the boundaries of the container you are inviting people into. This could be a clear sense of what we are NOT doing, or it could be a cost associated with coming (time, money, attention, commitment). Peter Block says a good invitation contains a barrier to overcome to assure that the person reading it will respond with an authentic yes or an authentic no to what is on offer. Attractors and boundaries together help to define the container inside which the work will unfold.
邀請是由吸引元素與界限所構成:很明顯的,邀約本身必須有目標做為核心,但也必須說明你邀請大家進入的空間的框架與界線。這可能是清楚說明你「不做什麼」,也可能是提到參與的成本(時間、金錢、專注力、承諾)。Peter Block認為一個好的邀約是有門檻的,讓受邀者在閱讀完後,會真誠的回答來或不來。吸引元素和界線讓受邀的人清楚知道,可以與展開的空間在那裡。
Invitation is LEADERSHIP: When you invite people to something you are taking an active leadership role. You will confront all kinds of emotional states in yourself, ranging from excitement to anxiety. You are taking a stand for something, especially if you are inviting people to something new and there may be times when you are the only one with a strong sense of possibility about the work. Good invitation requires people to practice good leadership.
Invitations respond to an URGENT need: in chaordic design, we go to need first, to understand why something is necessary and to be able to reach people who also feel the need. The more an invitation can respond to the zeitgeist of the moment, the more energy and focus people will have coming into your container or your process.
Finally, invitations are EMBODIED: You cannot just send a text, or invite somebody to something while signaling your distinct lack of invitation with your body and behaviour. …. How are your invitations?
(Chris Corrigan, May 2017)
(Chris Corrigan, May 2017)