2017年3月1日 星期三

2/25 的交流分享小紀錄

2/25 雖然天氣又冷水溼,我們12個人有一場溫暖的交流。
2016全球開放空間年會主辦單位代表Sharon 特别來台灣,把象徵的talking stick 交給發起籌備2017年會的台灣台南的Jane和Sharon 。

(以下是Gail 的隨手紀錄分享)

Thanks for the great OS dialogue gathering yesterday. Wonderful to have Sharon join us from Manila and symbolize the up-coming WOSONOS in Tainan in October with the passing on of the OS Talking Stick and sharing her experience of hosting the 2016 WOSONOS (plus more)!

  • It seems like we covered lots of topics of great concern - including 
  • risk in participating in groups and the changing definition of risk in our lives;
  • the coming World Earth Day in April; 
  • the struggles of teachers, principals, students with the education system - and how to get the whole system in the room to talk about it; 
  • and more...

We talked about the theme for the event 26-28 October(2017 WOSONOS). Look forward to having Jane and Sharon make a final confirmation on the dates and venue!

See you again on 15 April from 2-4:30 at the same venue.






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