2/25 的交流分享小紀錄
2/25 雖然天氣又冷水溼,我們12個人有一場溫暖的交流。
2016全球開放空間年會主辦單位代表Sharon 特别來台灣,把象徵的talking stick 交給發起籌備2017年會的台灣台南的Jane和Sharon 。
(以下是Gail 的隨手紀錄分享)
Thanks for the great OS dialogue gathering yesterday. Wonderful to have Sharon join us from Manila and symbolize the up-coming WOSONOS in Tainan in October with the passing on of the OS Talking Stick and sharing her experience of hosting the 2016 WOSONOS (plus more)!
We talked about the theme for the event 26-28 October(2017 WOSONOS). Look forward to having Jane and Sharon make a final confirmation on the dates and venue!
See you again on 15 April from 2-4:30 at the same venue.
2016全球開放空間年會主辦單位代表Sharon 特别來台灣,把象徵的talking stick 交給發起籌備2017年會的台灣台南的Jane和Sharon 。
(以下是Gail 的隨手紀錄分享)
Thanks for the great OS dialogue gathering yesterday. Wonderful to have Sharon join us from Manila and symbolize the up-coming WOSONOS in Tainan in October with the passing on of the OS Talking Stick and sharing her experience of hosting the 2016 WOSONOS (plus more)!
- It seems like we covered lots of topics of great concern - including
- risk in participating in groups and the changing definition of risk in our lives;
- the coming World Earth Day in April;
- the struggles of teachers, principals, students with the education system - and how to get the whole system in the room to talk about it;
- and more...
We talked about the theme for the event 26-28 October(2017 WOSONOS). Look forward to having Jane and Sharon make a final confirmation on the dates and venue!
See you again on 15 April from 2-4:30 at the same venue.