開放空間科技 引導師學習工作坊
Open Space Technology Learning Workshop
21-22 July 2007
Open Space Technology Learning Workshop
21-22 July 2007
Discover an approach to holding meetings that
enhances communication, generates innovation, builds strategy
and resolves conflict in organizations and communities.
◆Opening to Exciting Possibilities 迎接可能性enhances communication, generates innovation, builds strategy
and resolves conflict in organizations and communities.
Open Space Technology (OST) is a powerful approach for engaging people. As a method for conducting any kind of meeting, it is used around the world by thousands of organizations, from transnational corporations to government agencies, NGOs and community associations.
Innovation is often hampered by control and by structures that inhibit rapid and creative responses at the place where implementation and change happen. OST triggers individual enthusiasm and responsibility. It draws upon people’s inherent creativity to develop real and practical approaches that maximize communication, synergy and productivity. OST can help organizations become flexible and interactive.
◆Training and Practice Workshop 訓練與實作的工作坊
This two-day Learning Workshop is designed primarily for those who have experienced the benefits of an open space approach to meetings and gatherings, and intend to use it in their own organizations and communities. You will experience a short Open Space Technology event, ground the core principles in your own life, learn when OST is an appropriate method to use, how to work with and prepare sponsors, the role of the facilitator, focusing the working theme, priority setting and action planning. And you will have the opportunity to practice facilitating the opening of space yourself. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of OST, their own specific plans to apply it, and local colleagues to provide on-going support and encouragement. The days will be full, the spirit high, the learning fast and your applications can be immediate. The workshop will be conducted in Chinese and English.
◆Who Can Benefit 誰適合來上課
Leaders, managers, facilitators, educators, consultants working with complex issues, requiring the cooperation of diverse stakeholders, where conflict is quite possible if not already present, and where there is an urgent need for effective action. It is also for anyone who is looking for a way to get beyond business as usual, for better and faster results on their most important issues and opportunities.
◆About Open Space Technology 關於開放空間科技
In OST meetings and events, participants create and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme that for them is of real and urgent importance. This might be as visionary as “Beyond the merger - creating the environment and culture for our future”, or as practical as “What can we do to achieve our annual goals in the midst of economic instability?” With groups of 5 or 500 – together for 3 days or in weekly staff meetings – the common result is a powerful connecting of people, sharing what is happening in the organization, and strengthening of trust and a common vision.
Since it’s creation 22 years ago, OST has enabled people in diverse situations to experience inspired meetings and events that lead to achievement. OST is:
- 很有彈性的—可適用於各樣和各種不同大小的組織、社區,世界觀、議題或需要
- Flexible – fits any kind or size of organization, community, world view, issue or need
- 快速的—可以有立即的結果
- Fast – produces immediate results
- 貼切的—是由參與者所自行設計安排的
- Appropriate – is designed and directed by the participants themselves
- 透明的—可以跨越衝突、懷疑、不信任、隱藏的課題、以及看似歧異無法協調的立場
- Transparent – can move beyond conflict, skepticism, distrust, hidden agendas, diversity and seemingly irreconcilable positions
Further information in Chinese and English on Open Space Technology is available at:
•http://www.frontier.org.tw/ost/ ; http://blog.roodo.com/osttw (中文)
◆How to register如何報名
欲報名者,請填好下列表格,email 給蔡淑芳 frontiertw@gmail.com 或 Gail West, icamail@icatw.com
For further information contact Tsai Shu-Fang, frontiertw@gmail.com or Gail West, icamail@icatw.com. For registration, send the following form by fax or email.
費用:NT$5,000 (包括手冊和午餐)
Cost:NT$ 5,000 (includes materials and lunch)
Email or mail registration form to ICA 以網路或傳真報名表格至 ICA 報名
3F, No. 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road, Taipei 天母西路 5 巷 12 號 3 樓
Phone 電話: 2871-3150, Fax 傳真: 2871-2870, Email: icamail@icatw.com
Name 姓名:
Organization 公司:
Address 地址:
Phone 電話:Home 家 / Office 辦公室
Fax 傳真:Home 家 / Office 辦公室
or make bank transfer to: MEGA BANK
當天活動成果: 又一場不同的學習經驗