一起完成了--2019 開放空間學習工作坊 (Taiwan)
30 more participants from Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and China , co-create 2 days' beautiful Open Space Learning Workshop(OSLW) in Taipei.
來自台灣、菲律賓、馬來西亞、新加坡、澳洲、中國的30多位朋友,6/29-30 齊聚在台北,共同創造了一場豐富的開放空間學習工作坊。

We know the end of any open space event, is another beginning of possibilities.
Together,let's open more space for the world.

30 more participants from Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and China , co-create 2 days' beautiful Open Space Learning Workshop(OSLW) in Taipei.
來自台灣、菲律賓、馬來西亞、新加坡、澳洲、中國的30多位朋友,6/29-30 齊聚在台北,共同創造了一場豐富的開放空間學習工作坊。

We know the end of any open space event, is another beginning of possibilities.
Together,let's open more space for the world.

Open Space Learning Workshop 2019,Taiwan.(6/29-30)
精采照片請前往 more pictures https://www.flickr.com/photos/frontierfoundation/albums/72157709395491247