2016 wosonos--變換的世局,動盪的人心
2016 開放空間年會(24th WOSONOS--World open space on open space)於2016年11/10-12 在馬尼拉主辦單位 SEAMEO INNOTECH 的精心安排與盛情接待下順利完成。
約90個來自10個不同國家的伙伴,創造了上百個話題,話題範圍廣泛--哲學的、療癒的、打開身體的空間、性別議題、政治變動、如何為世界帶來和平、如何改變教育、生活與工作的調配、引導的方法技術...有興趣的朋友可以直接上網瀏覽相關紀錄。 https://goo.gl/3NDZAS
今年台灣有七個人與會,且分別從台北、台中、台南前往。對我來說這一年一度的聚會裡,除了交換對各種議題的想法和經驗,讓頭腦好好鬆脫一下,更重要的是〞連結感〞,重新檢視open space的核心精神,感受不同的角落的伙伴,為打開更多空間、創造對話、尋求可能性而努力著!
台南的伙伴 Jane Lewis & Sharon Wu已對全球發出邀請,請大家 2017 年到台南來,讓我們一起期待和協力, 讓 25th WOSONOS.在台南發生!
2、2016 WOSONOS 的FB :https://www.facebook.com/wosonos2016/
與會的 Suzanne Daigle 所做的參與分享
3、Jane Lewis & Sharon Wu 的邀請信:

約90個來自10個不同國家的伙伴,創造了上百個話題,話題範圍廣泛--哲學的、療癒的、打開身體的空間、性別議題、政治變動、如何為世界帶來和平、如何改變教育、生活與工作的調配、引導的方法技術...有興趣的朋友可以直接上網瀏覽相關紀錄。 https://goo.gl/3NDZAS
今年台灣有七個人與會,且分別從台北、台中、台南前往。對我來說這一年一度的聚會裡,除了交換對各種議題的想法和經驗,讓頭腦好好鬆脫一下,更重要的是〞連結感〞,重新檢視open space的核心精神,感受不同的角落的伙伴,為打開更多空間、創造對話、尋求可能性而努力著!
台南的伙伴 Jane Lewis & Sharon Wu已對全球發出邀請,請大家 2017 年到台南來,讓我們一起期待和協力, 讓 25th WOSONOS.在台南發生!
2、2016 WOSONOS 的FB :https://www.facebook.com/wosonos2016/
與會的 Suzanne Daigle 所做的參與分享
3、Jane Lewis & Sharon Wu 的邀請信:
Just yesterday Carms asked the world (the OSList and all of us here in Manila) who might be interested in hosting 2017's WOSonOS.
Today at breakfast, people started asking me about my connections in Hawaii (I'm a resident there, though I live in south Taiwan), in reference to a potential location for next year.
Then, in the closing circle it hit me. One of my motivations, after all, for coming to this meeting was to locate my own way to stimulate organic cross-fertilizing conversations in my city. During these 2.5 days in Manila, instead, I'd focused on other types of conversations.
Maybe it's time to bring this topic to life in a big way.
After the closing circle, and on through a group dinner tonight, I went around to share this idea of Tainan being offered as next years location, and all around I got "Yes!" and "I'll be there, what help do you need?" So, by the evening of the closing of WOSonOS 2016 I, along with Sharon Wu are ready to make a nomination.
We nominate Tainan, in the south of Taiwan as the location for the 2017 WOSonOS.
It's Taiwan's oldest city, a beautiful highly hospitable tropical city full of Japanese era buildings, thousands of temples and temple events, little winding alleys and all manner of street food. It's Taiwan's holiday destination by the ocean, and a welcoming destination for everyone in 2017.
Looking forward to the ensuing discussion!
With respect and excitement,