

2011年7月5日 星期二

我所引導的第一場Open Space

在6/11--6/12的Open space學習工作坊後一個月,我們的參與者之一Jimmy實際引導了一場open space會議,以下是他會後給工作坊同仁的email的分享,以及來自Gail的回應。
dear All,
趁著記憶猶新,上週五我進行了人生第一場當做Open Space引導師的角色。對象是某某公司,因為他們面臨到緊急的重大危機,一週內會損失公司一半的財源
Last Friday, I have my first open space for my previous company. It's because they face the emergent situation that in 1 week, they will face to serious financial problem.

The feedback is very well after the open space. We process this event from 10:00 to 21:00.
But I still have many practice question got to ask others opinions.

1. 如何面對討論者「離題」?  (What can I do when the group discussion is not focus on the main theme or subject of the group? )

2. 如何面對討論超時?( What can we do when group discussion is overtime, and they still going on even if they have many other subject on the wall?)
session 1 / session 2 / session 3時段之間會劃分,但是大家並不會自動切換,有時還欲罷不能

3. 如何「消化」主題? ( In the beginning, we invite everyone to provide the subject to let everybody can join the discussion. But After the session going, I found that we never have time to discussion all of the subject. What can I do in this situation?)

4. 如何收尾 (Although we have the ending circle, and everybody provide the change of today. But I think facilitator may need to say something. I think I don't have good ending. Still need to hear someone's input.)


Reply from Gail:

Thank you and congratulations on your wonderful success!  Open Space was obviously the process they were ready for and needed in their current situation!  It worked and sounds like they will continue the conversations and figure out what they need to do.  Perhaps you can help them to reflect on the learnings and how to keep the space open so they continue to work in this way.

As for your questions – I don’t know any OS practitioner, no matter how much experience they have, who doesn’t have questions after a program wondering what they can do to improve their own skills and maybe what they might have done to make it “better”.  My answer is – what you did at the moment was the right thing for the group – and the comments at the closing indicate that!

For the specific questions:
1.      The topics people put up are all related to the theme.  I may not see the connection, but they did and felt it was something that needed to be discussed, so trust the group’s wisdom.  I (as the facilitator) may not know and don’t need to know or make a judgment about it.  (not so easy when you have worked for the company and know a lot about it!)
2.      I tell the group after they have up all of their topics and begin their groups, that we will meet back at a certain time to do the closing, so getting all of the topics discussed in small groups is up to them.  Sometimes a few topics get merged in with other topics, and some don’t get discussed formally or fully, but they have probably been discussed in some way. Or maybe they decide to talk about it at a later time.  Sometimes I will remind them of the closing time about 45 minutes before the time to meet back just in case they want to make sure their topics are discussed even for a short time.
3.      In the closing I might say something like – “for some of your topics the discussion may be over.  For others the conversations will continue on.  But for today, since our time is limited, we’ll do our closing and then you can continue however you choose.  Again – you don’t need to worry.  Trust them to do what they need to.
4.      In the closing, their comments are what is needed.  You may only say something as simple as “thank  you”

Again – thanks for sharing.  Can you share a little more about how you did your prework, number of participants, actions?

I’m sure others might also be able to add reflections for us all.  I look forward to more great stories!
更多關於該場開放空間會議細節的分享:(More sharing about the open space event)

The preparing is very urgent. When we discuss the subject and open space, it's is 6/30. But when 7/1, everybody will effect in the financial problem. And at last, we decide the best time is have an open space in 7/1.
By the way, 7/2 and 7/3 is weekend. We don't want the employee have such a bad feeling that company doesn't take any action to let them die. So the best time is 7/1.

I feel the location is very important after this open space. I ignore such an important thing that I choose the smaller but easier solution for this open space. We have 23 participants and the room can have 30-32 people. But after this experience, in the future, I'll plan to rent double - triple space of participants. Then the people can through and discussion more easily.

I think the subject is very good. It's because we have practice in the course. The subject is:
「New direction: How to initiate your life with our company?

I think the action is appear naturally. Maybe after the group have enough power to face the problem, they will find the correct direction naturally.

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