2013年8月14日 星期三


這一天,我們前前後後有 12個人參加。

提了4個想討論的議題:組織內部OST的機會和挑戰、當sponsor的經驗、如何用在很短時間使用OST、在 10人的小組織中如何進行OST。

最神奇的是剛好來Journey'S kafe用餐的朋友ilya lee,在跟覺旅的櫃檯伙伴提他的建議時,被詢問要不要過來參加我們的討論,然後他就很雙腳法則的移動了過來。


2013年8月8日 星期四

1,000 participants in 4 hours - The Report

菲律賓的好朋友 Sharon Joy Berlin Chao 七月受邀引導一場特別的open space,四小時內讓 1100多人一起討論。以下是她會後整理的一些過程與心得,貼出來跟大家分享。

Just two weeks ago I had this interesting experience of opening space for 1,100 (yes, the number swelled) under 4 hours. You probably remember the massive exchange in OSList on how to convene under these conditions as we burned the line talking about the merit of this assignment. The extent of our discussion was remarkable for it showed the depth of wisdom and passion attached to the practice with ideas flying from one side of the globe to the other. 

It started with an invitation to a two-day symposium on performance management system in government service. And because it’s a symposium there were 6 speakers lined up including a dozen others for concurrent sessions. Day 1 had a couple of plenary and concurrent sessions. Open Space was slated in the morning of Day 2 followed by a formal symposium integration and closure in the afternoon. This was the first time HR people in government are called together, and there was a good mix of people from national agencies, government corporations, state universities and local government units in attendance.

The open space session focused on making performance management system (PMS) in public service truly essential, responsive and life giving. Sitting through Day 1 presentations and forums made me realize that the audience have compelling stories to tell in addition to having contending views on how to move PMS in their agency. This prompted me to check my own motivation as I worked with government in the past and I know that PMS has always been a thorny issue in the service. I need to bring respect to everyone involved and there’s no sense adding my own ideas and arrogance to the issue.

Bits and pieces of the process I used that somehow worked despite the number and the time configuration:

2013年8月5日 星期一


7月份我們有學習工作坊,也是很棒的交流分享機會,所以在6月相聚後,訂下的是 8月的下午茶時間。邀請你來參加 8/10 下午的學習交流聚會,一起探索OST的運用以及如何與我們在我們的生活中活出開放空間的精神:


◆ 一個台灣開放空間朋友們相聚的機會,交換經驗、探索更多的可能性
◆ 豐富、有意義、有內容的午後對話 

地點:覺旅 Lab(在覺旅咖啡的隔壁) 
時間:2013年8月10日 (星期六)下午2:00-4:30 

歡迎你 帶著你喜歡的飲料和點心一起來。 

On 10 August the Open Space Community invites you to join the Learning Exchange gathering for an afternoon of lively and profound conversation, sharing and exploring the use of OST and the presence of open space in our lives!  

We invite and welcome you and others to join us for great conversations on Saturday afternoon, 10 August.   Bring a drink and snack if you like.
◆a time to share experiences, meet others using Open Space in Taiwan, exploring possibility
◆an afternoon of rich, meaningful and productive conversation
Location:  Journey Kaffe, ( 1F, #26, lane 583, RueiGuang Rd., NeiHu District, Taipei. 1 block from XiHu MRT, Exit 2 ) ( http://www.facebook.com/journeykaffe)
When: Saturday afternoon, 10 August 2013, 2-4:30 pm

前次(六月)聚會紀錄請參考 http://openspacetaiwan.blogspot.tw/2013/06/20136.html

2013 開放空間學習工作坊的分享




更多照片請前往 2013OSLW瀏覽(more pictures)。更歡迎大家也來分享屬於你的開放空間故事。






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