open space 與 Harrison 帶給我的學習--Peggy Holman
2024的四月,OST的精神領袖Harrison Owen展開他不同空間的旅程去了。全球各地無數人自發地分享關於他以及OST 帶給大家的禮物。
我翻譯了自己讀了很受感動的 Peggy Holman的文字,跟大家分享。多年來從Peggy所整理和分享的各種OST案例與相關文章,學到非常地多,非常感謝。
What I learned from Harrison
I have thought about the gifts of Harrison’s creation - Open Space Technology - and how it shaped my world view and my life. I have also been appreciating what knowing Harrison, the person, has meant to me....
我思考過哈里森所創作的禮物 -- 開放空間科技 -- 以及它如何塑造了我的世界觀和我的生活的方式。也一直很珍惜認識 Harrison 這個人對我的意義 ...
When I ran into Open Space in 1994, I was primed for it by research I had done in 1993 for US WEST on “knowledge transfer” and “organizational learning.” I had reached the conclusion that a great way to encourage such things was by encouraging random encounters. Open Space was a practical way to make that happen.
learned of Open Space from a friend who had experienced it at Antioch
University Seattle and sent me an article from Training Magazine called Welcome to Open Space. (I
couldn’t find the article online so scanned my tired, hard to read copy. I
found out years later that Anne Stadler brought OST to Antioch. So, she was
indirectly responsible for my discovering OST.) The last page of the
article had Harrison’s phone number. So I called him. That led to my attending
an OST workshop in New York City and doing a 250-person, 2.5-day Open Space
with Harrison, which, at Harrison’s suggestion, we documented via video. At 16
minutes, at that time, it was considered short. We never used it at U S WEST
but when the Open Space Institute-US was formed, we got the rights and sold it
as a source of income for OSI-US. Now it’s free on Vimeo: U S
WEST Open Space. It has a lovely
interview with Harrison going over the principles and the law.
我是 1994 年接觸到開放空間的。1993年我正為US WEST (公司)進行的 "知識轉移" 和 "組織學習 " 的研究中,當時得出頗為得意的結論:讓這些事情發生的最棒的方法是鼓勵“隨機碰撞“。而開放空間正是適合實現這一目標的途徑。
我從一個在 Antioch University Seattle 參與過開放空間會議的朋友那裡知道了開放空間,他傳給我一篇Training Magazine(培訓雜誌)的文章-- " 歡迎來到開放空間"。(多年後我發現Anne Stadler帶 OST 去Antioch。 所以,她要間接對我發現 OST 負責。)那文章的最後一頁有
Harrison 的電話號碼, 所以我打電話給他,然後我就參加了在紐約市的一個 OST 工作坊,並且與Harrison一起引導了一場 250 人, 2.5 天的開放空間。在Harrison的提議下,留下一個 16 分鐘的影片記錄(當時被認為是短的)。
我們沒有在US WEST 公司用過,但在Open Space Institute-US成立之後,我們取得授權,把影片賣給US WEST,作為組織的收入來源。
現在它在 Vimeo 上是免費的:US WEST 開放空間 U S WEST Open Space。 影片中有對Harrison的採訪,由他講述OST的原則和法則。
What I learned
I started to write the evolution of my learning from Open Space and discovered a pretty thorough response to Harrison’s invitation to answer that question in 2005. It hasn’t changed. So I will share it and then build on it. And then talk about what I learned from the man himself.
Lessons from 2005...
From my 2005 response to Harrison’s question, “What you, personally, have learned - about Open Space, yourself in Open Space, about organizations in Open Space:”
Where to begin? Open
Space changed my life. So many, many lessons. And
after 11 years of working with it, I still feel I am just at the beginning
of my learning.
Here is a bit of a retrospective of learnings.
The miracle of my first Open Space was to see that it somehow enabled
needs of the individual and the collective to be met. That's when I
fell in
love with it.
I think my very first practical realization was that as a facilitator,
Iwasn't responsible for other people's experiences. What a revelation!
I could do my best to create the conditions for the work to be
done. Beyond that, it was up to the people in the room.
Over the next several years, I found myself talking about my lessons from Open
Space. Some of them come through your words, Harrison, others through the
experience itself:
2005 年的學習...
2005 年Harrison請我回應的問題:「你個人學到了什麼-關於開放空間、闗於在開放空間中的你、關於開放空間中的組織?」
要從哪裡開始說?開放空間改變了我的生活,好多好多的功課,即使經過 11 年的運用操作,仍然覺得自己才剛剛開始這個旅程。
Focus on essence -- the form of OS is so elegantly simple that it is a clear message
that what is most important is the core content of whatever the subject
is. I remember very clearly a conversation with Chris Kloth at OSonOS IV
in Washington, D.C [1996]. He told me that where other change communities
he was a part of spent most of their time focused on questions and arguments
about process, the OS community was always asking about essence, purpose, the
core meaning of whatever it was we were discussing.
Kerry shared recently a comment from a participant: "one day in open space
was the equivalent of two years of hearings." I think this is because when
all you've got to pay attention to is the essence of what's important, well, it
sure makes it easier to let all the nonsense fall by the wayside and focus on
getting something done!
Simplicity of design -- you gifted me/us with a very profound
design question: what is one less thing to do? (and I would add implicit in the
question: and have this be whole and complete?) While I sometimes joke
that you came to this by being a master of laziness, I think continually doing less
ensures the focus remains on what is most important. Whether OS or just
life, I find this insight of remarkable power. Anytime a group is struggling,
with how to do something, this question cuts through the mess.
During my Total Quality days, there was a saying: "remedy first, then deal
with the root cause." My definition of remedies were they always
added more steps -- made things more complicated. When the root cause was
handled, 100% of the time, it resulted in less steps -- a simpler
process. And it always required looking at the essence, the purpose as
the starting point.
聚焦在本質-OST的形式如此優雅簡單,它清楚地傳達了這樣的訊息:無論主題是什麼,最重要的是核心內容。我非常清楚地記得在華盛頓特區的 OSonOS IV 上與 Chris Kloth 的一次談話 [1996]。他告訴我,他所在的其他變革社群大部分時間都專注在流程的問題和爭論,而OST社群總是詢問我們正在討論的內容的本質、目的和核心意義。Kerry最近分享了一位參與者的評論:“一天的開放空間,聽到的相當於兩年的總量。”我認為當你需要關注的是重要事情的本質時,必然會讓你更容易把所有的廢話拋在一邊,專注於完成某件事!
設計的簡單性-你給了我/我們一個非常深刻的設計問題:可以少做點什麼? (我會在問題中隱藏著:少做什麼?可以讓這更完整?)雖然我有時開玩笑說你是因為懶惰才這樣的,但我相信減法可以確保聚焦在最重要的事情上。我發現無論是OST或是生活,這個洞察力有著非凡的力量。每當一個團隊正在為如何做某事而掙扎時,這個問題總可以幫忙打破混亂。
在我追求全面品質的時代,依偱的是:「先救火,再解決根本原因」。救火/補救措施的定義是它們總是增加更多步驟——讓事情變得更加複雜。相對的,若根本原因得到解決時,100% 的情況下,都會減少步驟——簡化流程,回到以本質、目的為出發點。
People discover compassion in themselves. Outcasts experience something often unfamiliar: support. I remember years ago at OSonOS in Monterey (1998?), an intense day 2 opening circle where there was this conflicted discussion of "in group" and "outsiders". Finally, this woman, I don't know her name and I never saw her again, got up and walked, or perhaps she flew, around the circle, inside and out. Her words were something about belonging coming from within ourselves. It shifted everything.
人們在自己身上發現同情心,怪咖們經歷到他們很不熟悉的事情:支持。我記得幾年前在Monterey的 OSonOS(1998 年?),第二天的開場緊張激烈,關於“團體內”和“局外人”的衝突討論。最後,這個女人,我不知道她的名字,後來也沒再見過她,站起來走/或者她是用飛的,在圓圈內外繞圈,她說,歸屬是來自於我們的內在,改變了一切。
Generosity of Spirit -- you gave OS away, no trademark, copyright, certification
or other hurdles. You said there is one responsibility – to give back
what you've learned. I look at the extraordinary community that we've
created -- one that shares its stories, its fears, triumphs, insecurities, and
questions. I follow several learning communities. This one is my
home. It is in part because of the incredible ethic of sharing we gift to
each other.
慷慨的精神-您把open space送給大家,沒有商標、版權、認證或其他障礙。你說──回饋你所學到的,是一種責任。我看著我們所創造的非凡社群——一個分享故事、恐懼、勝利、不安全感和問題的社群。我參與許多個學習社區,但這裡是我的家,因為我們“把互相分享當成給彼此的禮物”的精神。
Abundance -- there is always enough for what is important. When I've underestimated
the number of break out sessions for an event, I often joke that time and space
are infinitely expandable and people figure out where and when to meet.
This is a reminder to me of just how incredibly creative we are as a species
when something is important to us. People find remarkable solutions.
These were my first deep lessons from living with Open Space. I think somewhere
about this time, I began to realize that self-organization and spirit
-- the two ways I talked about OS -- described the same phenomenon in different
And then Spirited Work began [the brain child of Anne Stadler]. While I
already understood Open Space was way more than a good meeting method, this
quarterly foray into living in Open Space opened a new and deeper journey of
understanding. It was Anne Stadler who helped me understand that the Law
of Two Feet is about taking responsibility for what you love. I now
believe this is the essence of Open Space. It is the power of this one
idea -- to take responsibility for what you love -- that creates the remarkable
invitation to listen to our internal voice and act on its message. Now I
understand the dynamics behind what I originally loved about OS: when
people take responsibility for what they love, they discover that others love
the same things. Thus, the needs of the individual and the collective are
這是我在開放空間中的第一個深刻的學習。大概也是這個時候,我開始意識到自組織和精神——我談開放空間的兩種方式——用不同的語言描述了相同的事。然後Spirited Work工作開始了(Anne Stadler的brain child實驗),雖然我已經明白開放空間不僅僅是一種良好的會議方式,但這系列針對開放空間生活的嘗試開啟了一個新的、更深入的理解之旅。Anne Stadler幫助我了解「雙腳法則」就是要為自己所愛的事物負責。讓我相信這就是開放空間的本質。是“對你所愛的事情負責”的信念所創造的非凡邀請,讓我們傾聽內心的聲音並依偱它的訊息採取行動。現在我明白了我當初喜歡開放空間背後的動力:當人們對自己喜歡的事情負責時,他們會發現其他人也一樣,然後,個人和集體的需要都得到滿足。
At Spirited Work, watching Anne Stadler showing up wherever there was dissonance or conflict, I learned to welcome disturbances. I came to understand that they are indicators that something new wants to emerge. And it was watching the patterns of behavior at Spirited Work, the complex, unpredictable human behavior as people experimented with living with spirit in the material world that I have come to understand what Open Space governance looks like, what it means to make difficult decisions in Open Space (way beyond consensus), the role of silence in individual and collective learning.
在 Spirited Work(實驗計畫),看著Anne Stadler出現在任何有不和諧或衝突的地方,我學會了歡迎干擾。我開始明白,它們是新事物即將出現的指標;透過觀察Spirited Work 的行為模式,當人們嘗試在物質世界中過著精神生活時,這複雜且不可預測的人類行為,使我開始了解開放空間治理是什麼樣子?在開放空間中做出艱難的決定意味著什麼?(絕不僅止是共識),以及沈默在個人與集體學習中的角色。
I now understand the
dynamics of emergence when consciously embraced. Emergence is spirit
in action -- where people discover that what is most personal is also
universal. When this happens, what we in the OS community call Convergence
naturally occurs. People move into coherent individual and collective
action. This has shaped how I see my work today -- to grow the capacity
for emergence through caring for ourselves, others and the whole in service to
meaningful purpose. What I see today is that Open Space provides
the essential conditions for emergence without the destructive force that comes
when the disturbances that signal something wanting to emerge are resisted.
It happens by asking an attractive question that matters (the theme),
inviting all who care to take responsibility for what they love, and by putting
them in a circle to begin and end each day to reflect together. This
pattern enables people to step into what they fear with some glimmer of hope
that something useful will happen. And, miraculously, time and again, it
Doing the international Practice of Peace conference [in 2003] -- an experience
planned in OS mostly by people from the Spirited Work community – brought new
lessons. We took the leap that we would have sufficient participation to fund
inviting 10 OS practitioners from conflict areas from around the world. We not
only accomplished that but created an experience that many, many participants
described as life changing. [In fact, I am still in touch with many of
the people who were there.]. They describe some variant of feeling their own
capacity to make a difference. I got a deeply embodied experience of what
Anne Stadler named the Radiant Network -- that innate knowing that we
are all connected, that we are held in some mystical way. When my heart is
open, I feel the connection. When not, the connection is still there, it
is just hard to believe it exists. My lesson from PoP is
that what is on the other side of emergence is the coherence of the
Network. The most powerful OS events bring people to where they feel
sense of collective consciousness. They touch that place of deep,
meaning that connects them to others and they have at least a glimmer of
their connection to the whole.
舉辦國際和平實踐會議時(2003 年)——這是參與Spirited Work 的人們所規劃的一場OS活動——帶來了新的學習。我們邁出了很大的一步,我們有足夠的資金,贊助來自世界各衝突地區的 10 名開放空間實踐者,不僅如此,還創造了被許多參與者描述為改變生活的體驗。 [事實上,我仍然與當時在場的許多人保持聯繫,他們描述感受到自己可以有所作為的動能。我對Anne Stadler所說的「輻射網絡」Radiant Network有了深刻的體會——我們與生帶來的內在,知道我們都是相互連結的、我們以某種神秘的方式被牽引著。當我的心敞開時,我感受到了連結;即使我感受不到時,連結也仍然存在,只是很難相信它的存在。我從 PoP(Practice of Peace)學到,湧現的另一端,必然與輻射網路相應。最強大的開放空間會議讓人覺察到集體意識,碰觸到讓他們與他人連結的深刻的、個人本質的點,並至少能觸及一絲絲個人與整體之間的聯繫。
I wonder about how the people I have worked with have been touched by
their time in Open Space. How have they been changed by the experience? What
has been the effect when OS is used over and over in a community or organization?
How have people and collectives been changed by the experience? That's
what I hope we learn through the research questions that Larry, Chris and I put
[Sad to say we never pursued that research.]
I believe that we are growing people's capacity to deal with what they fear, what
they resist by offering them a path to emergence that runs through powerful,
attractive questions. What are their stories?
Harrison, for all that you are and all that you have done, I thank you.
Finding you and your work was a turning point in my life.
今天,我想知道與我共渡開放空間時光的人們是如何被被觸動?這段經歷為他們帶來了怎樣的改變?當開放空間在社群或組織中重複使用時會產生什麼效果?這些經驗如何改變了人們和集體?這是Larry, Chri和我提出這些問題想探究的。
Perhaps the main lessons are about
what it means to live conscious of complexity in human systems.
A marriage of science and spirit
I love that Open Space can be explained through the lens of complexity AND the lens of spirit. The first time I did a workshop with Harrison, he told me of his dissertation research while he was a practicing Anglican priest. (Mind you, this story is my memory of the conversation so may be technically inaccurate.) Harrison was reading the text of the bible in the original Aramaic. He said at that time (mid-1950’s?) the common thinking was that seeming contradictions in the Bible were considered wrong. They were about God as immanent and God as transcendent. His dissertation asked a question: what if the contradictions were on purpose? That God was both immanent and transcendent? God was present in embracing the contradictions. That that led Harrison into a study of chaos and order. So his studies of complexity preceded viewing it through science. I loved that both explanations worked.
I took me on a deep dive into the
science of complexity. A few of my favorites:
我喜歡可以透過複雜性和精神的視角來說明開放空間。第一次和Harrison一起引導工作坊時,他告訴我他在擔任聖公會牧師時的論文研究。 (請注意,這個故事是我對談話的記憶,因此在技術上可能不準確。)Harrison正在閱讀阿拉姆語原文的聖經文本。他說當時(1950年代中期?)普遍認為聖經中看似矛盾的內容是錯誤的。它們是關於上帝是內在的和超越的。他的論文提出了一個問題:如果這些矛盾是故意的呢?上帝既是內在的又是超越的?上帝在場,包容了這些矛盾。這讓Harrison開始研究混亂與秩序。因此,他對複雜性的研究先於透過科學來看待它。我喜歡這兩種解釋都有效。也帶我深入研究了複雜性科學。
Corning, Peter. “The Re-emergence of ‘Emergence’: A Venerable Concept in Search of a Theory.” Complexity 7, no. 6 (2002): 18–30.
Johnson, Steven. Emergence: The Connective Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software. New York: Scribner, 2001.
Kauffman, Stuart. At Home in
the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1996. [Harrison pointed me to this one.]
Waldrop, M. Mitchell. Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Chaos. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992
Transition from hierarchies to networks
I think the question I am most immersed in these days is how do we support a transition in how humans organize themselves from hierarches to networks?
I believe Thomas Kuhn said in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that how humans organize is influenced by the science of the time. Autocrats were common when “God’s will” was our prevailing explanation for how things worked. The industrial revolution brought us hierarchies. Now that technology enables us to see systems, giving us a “macroscopic” view, networks are becoming visible. They’ve always been there. It’s just we now have technology that helps us work with them. I wrote an article in 2010, Leadership in a Networked World, about the principle aspects of networks – links and hubs – and the implications for human organizing.
Open Space gives us great examples of
what happens when networks reign. They liberate human spirit because they put
what we care about at the center. They are a form that relies on people
belonging by bringing their unique selves. Just as OST is an exquisite mix of
the masculine (the directionality of purpose) and feminine (the circle of
community), networks are an exquisite mix of “we” – belonging and “me” –
attending to what I love.
I think the many conflicts we face are because of this transition from hierarchies to networks. My bias is that the more of us who support the shift towards networks, the greater our chance of dealing with the overwhelming issues we face. Opening space helps people embody this very different way of working by connecting us to our own humanity, to others who see the world differently, and to our wholeness. Our connectedness is most visible when our hearts open. Open Space helps that happen.
It has been my journey with Open Space that has led me to this view.
最近我最關心的問題是:我們如何支持人類從階級制度到網絡化組織的轉變?我相信湯瑪斯‧庫恩在《科學革命的結構》中說過,人類的組織方式受到當時科學的影響。當「上帝的意志」是我們對事情如何運作的普遍解釋時,獨裁者就很常見。工業革命為我們帶來了階級制度。現在,科技讓我們能夠看到系統,為我們提供了「宏觀」視野,網絡正在變得可見。他們一直都在那裡,只是我們現在擁有可以幫助我們與他們合作的技術。我在 2010 年寫了一篇文章《網絡世界中的領導力》,討論了網絡的主要面向(連結和樞紐)以及對人類組織的影響。
開放空間為我們提供了網絡治理時會發生什麼的好例子,將人們關心的事情放在中心位置,而釋放了人類的精神。一種依賴人們透過帶來獨特的自我而產生歸屬感的形式,正如 OST 是男性氣質(目標的方向性)和女性氣質(社區圈)的精緻組合一樣,網絡也是「我們」(歸屬感)和「我」(關注我所愛的事物)的精緻組合。
What I learned from knowing Harrison
I’ve saved my final lessons for reflecting on what knowing Harrison has meant to me.
Beyond the knowledge that I’ll always
be asking myself what is one less thing to do, three essential lessons come to
Be myself. Harrison was unapologetically
himself. He could be blunt, rude even. And alcohol was an issue. In other
words, he was hardly perfect. Still, I always felt his love and
respect. His ability to just show up is something I deeply admire. I hope I
continue to shed whatever layers are left in me of worrying about what others
think. He and Anne Stadler are my standards for what that looks like.
做我自己 Harrison 是個自在的人,直言不諱、酒喝得有點多,換句話說,他並不完美。
然而,我始終感受到他的愛與尊重。 他那“單純在”的能力,是我深深敬佩的。 我希望我能繼續擺脫那些讓我擔心別人會怎麼想的事,他和 Anne Stadler 都是我的楷模。
Be generous. Harrison gave away Open Space but did it with the responsibility of giving back what you learned. What a gift! It is a recursive, generative stance, give something away with the responsibility of sharing learning that can reinforce and grow more of it.
My favorite story: The first time we did an OST workshop, I wanted to add in a live Open Space and build the training around it. Harrison said he thought it was a bad idea but if I wanted to try it, we would. I thought that was incredibly generous, that even doubting it was a good thing to do, he was willing to support me. We did. And he told me afterwards that he thought it worked well. Generosity again in acknowledging my idea was a good one.
As I find myself more and more working as a mentor, his willingness to support a younger colleague is something I take to heart and have now lived from the elder’s view.
慷慨大方 Harrison 把開放空間送給大家,但求人們以回饋自己所學為己任。 好特別的禮物!以迭代、生成的方式,透過分享學習的責任,讓OST更強化和成長。
我最喜歡的故事:我們第一次做 OST 工作坊的時候,我想在一場開放空間會議,同時加入OST的訓練。 Harrison認為這不是好主意,但如果我想嘗試,我們就試。 我認為那真是太慷慨了,即使他不那麼確定,他卻願意支持我。 且事後他告訴我,他認為是可行的, 再次慷慨承認我的想法是好的。
Love is all there is. I was so struck during my last conversations with Harrison, even knowing his days were numbered, he was joyful. There are tears in my eyes as I write this. Perhaps it is the ultimate lesson. When I be love, everything else happens in that context. There’s a poem someone gave me when my mother died that I often share when someone dies. I carry it in my heart and spread it as best I can. It is how I leave you with this last lesson that Harrison so embodied:
愛是一切。 我深被與Harrison的最後一次談話所感動,即使知道他的日子已經不多了,他仍充滿喜悅。 我寫到這眼眶裡有淚水打轉,這也許是最終的功課。 當我是愛的時候,所有事情都會發生在愛的氛圍裡。當我母親去世時,朋友送了一首詩給我,當有人過逝時,我也常分享給人們,我把它放在我的心上,盡我所能地傳播。 這就是我給你的最後一堂從Harrison學到的
When I die
Remember me with a smile and laughter.
If thoughts of me provoke no love,
Only sadness and tears,
I ask that I be soon forgotten.
Give what's left of me away
To children and old men who wait to die.
And if you must cry, cry for your brother
Who walks in grief beside you.
And when you need me,
Put your arms around anyone,
And give them what you need to give me.
I want to leave you something.
Something better than words or sounds.
Look for me in the people I've known or loved,
Or helped in some special way.
And if you cannot give me away,
Let me live in your eyes for awhile,
As well as in your mind.
You can love me most
By letting love live
Within the circle of your arms
Embracing the frightened ones.
Love doesn't die, people do.
So when all that's left of me is love,
Give me away.
-- Merrit
-- 梅瑞特·馬洛伊